Ready, set, go!
A few years ago, I began to question how my experiences as a mother and caregiver were informing my decisions about life. I specifically sought to better honor who I am as I work towards who I want to be and to share this learning with others.
After nine months of coursework and clinical practice, I’m thrilled to announce that I’ve been awarded my Executive Certificate in Leadership Coaching from Georgetown University’s Institute for Transformational Leadership. I could not be more excited about this personal growth and working with other parents to achieve theirs.
Over the past year, I’ve specifically learned how to apply leadership development theories and practices to parents – who lead every day at home, work and in their communities. I’ve experienced first-hand how coaching can effectively help parents manage challenges, ease stress, create opportunities, and build futures for themselves and those they love. This is especially important when disabilities are a part of the picture.
If you are the parent of an individual with disabilities, I hope you’ll consider working with me to thrive more fully in your roles as mother, father, caregiver, colleague and more. Through 1:1 coaching sessions, we can explore how to:
Clearly define your personal and professional priorities and purpose;
Focus on your own needs for increased balance and joy;
Build resilience and renewed energy to face challenges with your relationships and responsibilities;
Examine and evaluate different perspectives that will help you navigate life more confidently and capably; and
Gather resources and information to plan a safe, enjoyable and rewarding future for those you love (including YOURSELF!).
Please visit my website to learn more, and reach out anytime to talk with me about how we might work together. I’d love to share my passion for coaching with you and help you learn to beautifully bloom!
The lilac branches are bowed under the weight of the flowers: blooming is hard, and the most important thing is - to bloom.
― Yevgeny Zamyatin
Interested in learning more about private coaching?
Contact Kris for information on what this might look like for you, including outcomes, availability, fees and more.
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