In the News

and creating it, too.


My expertise as a leadership coach and perspective as a special needs mom have been featured extensively in print, broadcast and online media -- including some very helpful podcasts for parents and caregivers. 

I love sharing my own story, along with those of other parents, to enlighten and support families with disabilities on their journeys.  A welcomed by-product of this work is the increased understanding and allyship it creates in the world at large.

I invite you to explore below for helpful caregiving resources and information.

Please use this link to request an interview or obtain a quote for something you're working on.

Heads Together Podcast with Gill Moakes featuring guest Kris Burbank

Author Spotlight

Christopher MacLellan hosts this intimate podcast to talk about my personal story and what I've learned after nearly 30 years of being Andrew's mom.  We talk about caregiving challenges, the stories in my life and book, and how to "embrace another normal" with joy and love. 

Heads Together Podcast with Gill Moakes featuring guest Kris Burbank

Caregiving Webinar

Learn how to thrive, not just survive, the special needs parenting journey, with encouragement and guidance that can easily be incorporated into daily life. Webinar with me and co-author Dr. Linda Hoopes, based on our book, Embracing Another Normal.

Heads Together Podcast with Gill Moakes featuring guest Kris Burbank

Heads Together

Gill Moakes is the host of this podcast, an entrepreneur coach, and mom to a young adult with autism.  Our interview features my honest and vulnerable discussion with her about work and home and what fulfills us in both roles.  Lots of juicy wisdom shared.  

Bite Your Tongue Podcast with guest Kris Burbank

Bite Your Tongue

This website is all about parenting adult kids.  My co-author and I discuss building resilience in adult children with and without disabilities.  Lots of tips and guidance to support the parenting journey.  

Transforming Adversity into Growth Podcast with guest Kris Burbank

Transforming Adversity into Growth for Parents of Disabled Children

The title of this podcast says it all  Listen and learn from parents who've been there.  

ABCs of Disability Planning Podcast with guest Kris Burbank

ABCs of Disability Planning

My interview with disability planning specialist and special needs father, Eric Jorgensen, is filled with emotion, enthusiasm, and some great tips for parents "in the thick of things."  

Tanya Yarconi Podcast with guest Kris Burbank

What We Wish We'd Known Before We Became Caregivers 

An honest and heartfelt interview with caregiving consultant and special needs mom Tanya Yarconi.  Learn from our mistakes, and hear more of Tanya's wisdom in my online parent program.

Let's Talk! Podcast with guest Kris Burbank

Parenting Adult Children with Disabilities

My interview with two podcast hosts, including the sibling of an adult brother with Down syndrome, spotlights the challenges parents face raising adult "kids" with special needs.  Lots to dig into here, including what it's like to grow up "next to" someone with disabilities and become responsible for them later in life. 

Band Central Podcast with guest Kris Burbank

On Leadership

What makes a great leader? Why don't we have more of them? What role does curiosity, candor, and compassion play?  Community leader and host Rob Fried discusses this and more and picks my brain on why it all matters.

Make Life Less  Difficult Podcast with guest Kris Burbank

Make Life Less Difficult

The title of this podcast says it all.  Dr. Linda Hoopes and I talk resilience with host and coach Lisa Hope Telstra and share stories that inspire and educate.  

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Creating Meaningful Opportunities

News about Team Woofgang & Co., a wonderful nonprofit I co-founded with two amazing moms in Connecticut. 

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Silver Linings & Siblings

My reflective blog post about pandemic life during the December holidays with three adult children and a wheelchair.

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A Special Needs Pandemic Perspective

The pandemic was especially hard for young people with special needs  This piece attempts to illustrate how and why, and encourages readers to learn from the experience.

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Great Gap Semester

My blog post about ADHD and how we can change our perspective to accommodate for different ways of doing things.  

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Lessons from Heartbreak

Have you ever lost a beloved pet?  I poured my heart into this essay that tries to explain the heartbreak. 

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Connecticut Families

I'm proud of my work to create Team Woofgang & Co., a CT-based nonprofit that provides free job training to young people with disabilities.  "If you build it, they will come."

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Committee Upholds ADA

I loved creating and leading my town's Commission on disAbilities to promote the inclusion and integration of persons with disabilities in the activities, services and employment opportunities of the community.

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Navigating Obstacles Downtown

I worked to create the Stamford Access4All Commission to advice elected officials and help local government enhance life for people of all abilities.  
