Are You Ready To Embrace Another Normal?

Learn from those who've walked in your shoes.


It's completely possible for you to:

  • Be better equipped to balance all the roles in your life
  • Develop a more resilient mindset to face life's challenges
  • Feel more confident advocating for yourself and your child
  • Learn how to save time and work smarter
  • Expand your community of support
  • Identify new habits to help your family thrive, not just survive

Yes, Really - You're Worth It!

This self-paced online course is where everything changes.


Embracing Another Normal

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Created by me, especially for you. 


Embracing Another Normal - The Online Course is a comprehensive digital resource for parents who are facing the complexities of an unexpected life.

A certified coach for parents of kids with disabilities and co-author of the highly acclaimed book Embracing Another Normal, I'm also the proud mother of three adult children, including a son with profound disabilities.

I've devoted my work to helping parents navigate the journey I know only too well.  I'm delighted to share it with you here.  


Enroll Now

By the end of this course you will…

  • Have found peace with your situation
  • Have an understanding of what's within your control
  • Have a plan to move forward with confidence, clarity and conviction

Praise From Parents: 

"I am so impressed with the honesty, insight and strength you shared in 'Embracing Another Normal.'  Your program is helping me support my family in ways I never imagined."

"The section of additional resources alone is worth the price of the program. Thank you, Kris, for compiling all this help in one easy-to-use program. It's a lifesaver."


"Your insights are thought provoking, poignant and wonderfully grounded. I highly recommend 'Embracing Another Normal' to one and all!" 



Six Challenges -- Six Modules

No matter what age or stage of life your child is in, there's helpful guidance and actionable tools within this program to support you on your parenting journey.

Access all the modules or just the ones that matter most to your life right now.

Start where you want and learn what you need, on your own timing, whenever you have time.

It's really that simple.


Adjusting To Another Normal

This module is all about accepting the cards you've been dealt.

  • Understand the role of grief
  • Acknowledge your version of normal
  • Practice the power of reframing
  • Decide how you want to talk about things... and with whom

Balancing Needs

This module is about creating better balance at home and at work.

  • Define and embrace your personal needs
  • Identify your unique super powers, discover how they may be holding you hostage and holding your child back
  • Discover how to restructure and reframe your caregiving responsibilities to make room for your dreams and vision for the future

Letting Go

This module will help you learn to let go of expectations and fear.

  • Avoid catastrophizing and increase your risk tolerance 
  • Open up space for growth and development of yourself and those you love
  • Strengthen your safety net and your child's circle of care

Prioritizing Partnerships

In this module you'll learn how to  prioritize your partnership with a spouse or co-parent, health care professionals, and others in your life. 

  • Strengthen your connection with your primary partner to build resilience together
  • Experiment with changing habits that don't serve you or your family 
  • Address conflict and communicate more openly and honestly

Navigating School

In this module, you'll learn how to maximize opportunities within the educational environment and navigate school with your child, including transitioning to adulthood.  

  • Enhance your self-advocacy skills and those of your child
  • Help educators understand your child's strengths and challenges
  • Develop a plan for building your child's skills for independence 

Planning For The Future

By the end of this module, you will understand why future planning matters now.

  • Ask and answer the hard questions to help guide your future planning
  • Take control of what will happen in an emergency, and enroll others to help plan for the worst case scenario
  • Create a framework to communicate your wishes and include your child's voice as much as possible 



Insights From The Heart

"One of the things I love most about working with parents are the honest, brave, and often vulnerable discussions we have. I'm thrilled to share excepts from these conversations, with the generous permission of the parents involved, through powerful Insights from the Heart videos compiled for each course module.

Every compilation shares guidance, advice and perspectives from leading professionals, too, in the fields of health, education, law, financial planning and more.

These combined lessons are what help to make this program so powerful and empowering."  

-- Kris Burbank

Each "Insights from the Heart" video feels like you're eavesdropping on a conversation between friends and provides comfort, reassurance, and new perspectives to ponder. 


Journals, Tools & Templates

Each course module has a companion journal to help you explore your feelings and reactions to what you're learning.

In addition, you'll find and extensive list of powerful resources, PLUS thought-provoking exercises and valuable templates to help you:

  • organize information
  • articulate your needs effectively
  • advocate for yourself and your child
  • strengthen your safety net
  • anticipate and plan for the future

This Program Is For You If...

  • You're feeling stuck and can't see a way forward
  • You often worry about the future
  • You hate asking for help (or don't know where to find the help you need)
  • You long to hear from other parents who've learned to bloom and overcome some of the challenges you're facing
  • You welcome guidance from professionals who care about families like yours

Embrace Another Normal Now

Build resilience, connection, effectiveness, and hope starting today.

Lifetime Access




Frequently Asked Questions 

If your question isn't answered below, feel free to email [email protected] and we'll get back to you as soon as we can.

Want to share your story?

We are committed to spotlighting a diverse range of voices and experiences in the materials we provide.  If you would like to share your perspective, please email [email protected] to schedule a conversation.