Well, Well, Well!

May 07, 2024

Someone is sitting in the shade today because someone planted a tree a long time ago.  

Warren Buffet

How many hours do you spend coordinating care for someone who requires your help? I think I’ve lived several lifetimes researching doctors, therapists, equipment, lawyers, treatments, insurance and more for one child alone. I’ve tried “chunking” the work for on and off days, attempting to give myself a break from this aspect of raising a young person with disabilities.  And I’ve developed a complex system of bulging binders, color-coded notebooks and digitized folders, too.  Managing the mountains of paperwork, phone calls, e-mails and submission forms takes so much energy, which is why I love hearing about services that help lighten this load.

Wellthy combines a virtual software platform with one-on-one professional supports to help families meet and manage the caregiving needs of all sorts of conditions and disabilities. Developed by the daughter of someone with multiple schlerosis, the company aims to simplify care management for people with complex, chronic and ongoing needs.  Their team of carefully matched Care Coordinators includes Master's-level social workers, nurses, psychologists, and other health professionals. Imagine having a trained, experienced and committed professional to provide unlimited assistance with: 

·       Managing and sourcing aides and therapists

·       Navigating state resources and employer-sponsored benefits and coverage

·       Assisting with school decisions and transitions of care

·       Tracking down insurance approvals

·       Finding the right in-home aide  

·       Recommending local socialization programs 

·       Setting up home modifications 

·       Assisting with transportation needs  

·       Helping find the right legal resources 

·       Navigating insurance options (including Medicaid and SSI) 

Wellthy is usually offered as a stand-alone employee benefit that Human Resource departments can integrate into general benefits, wellness solutions, financial wellness, etc.  Visit here to learn how to initiate conversations with your employer about getting Wellthy services included in your benefit package. If that’s not an option, Wellthy offers unlimited private pay coverage starting at $350 a month.  Learn more here.  Financial service firms like Prudential and Voya can also help you access Wellthy supports. And families can use the entire Wellthy online platform for free anytime to stay organized and manage care using tools like a care plan, shared calendar, multi-stakeholder communication, contact and medication trackers, and more.  Create an account here.

Full disclosure: I haven’t tried Wellthy (yet!), and I haven’t received any gifts or compensation for reporting on them here. I just think this concierge approach to managing special needs is long over due and worth exploring. Perhaps you do, too.

According to the National Alliance for Caregiving, more than 50 million Americans are caring for a friend or family member with a health care need or functional disability.  Those receiving care are not the only ones with “special needs.” We all can benefit from special services and supports. For more on this, check out the Take Care information bank of caregiving resources, and share yours, too. Where do you get support when you need it most? How can we help each other?

Interested in learning more about one-to-one coaching? Contact Kris for information on what this might look like for you, including outcomes, availability, fees and more.

Contact Kris

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