Today's News From Kris

Jun 06, 2024

Today’s issue of my free e-newsletter offers some personal perspective on safety, plus other helpful info on building connection, money management skills, and personal resilience (my favorite topic).

There’s also some really cool news about the future of accessible transportation, which I still can’t believe is true!

I hope you’ll find the information and resources helpful. Please forward this newsletter by email to others in your world who might also benefit.

For children with special needs, aquatic therapy offers a wide range of benefits, from improving strength, mobility, and independent function to boosting confidence. Perhaps more importantlyit can also equip them with essential water safety and life-saving skills.

I recently assisted the wonderful aquatic therapists at Swim Angelfish to promote this important message, based on an experience we had with our son, Andrew, when he was a teenager.

Despite his cerebral palsy, Andrew has always loved spending time in the water.  And all the time he spent in aquatic therapy actually saved his life.  The below video details how.

I can’t say enough about what Andrew achieved and received through his work in the pool.  And I can’t encourage you enough to explore these kinds of opportunities for your child – to learn and grow, make “therapy” fun, and develop the skills and confidence that we hope they never need in case of an emergency.

Facebook, finally!

At long last, I’ve started a Facebook page to supplement this newsletter. Click the icon below to follow us for great resources, information and support. 

Reimagining mobility.

I’ve always loved our Hyundai…but now there are even more reasons to be a fan.  This video spotlights upstream research by the company on walking cars.  These vehicles feature four robotic legs that can climb stairs, jump over water, and more.  According to a company spokesperson, “People living with disabilities worldwide could hail a Hyundai Elevate that could walk up to their front door and allow their wheelchair to roll right in.” Ready for a test drive?

Financial independence.

Many of the tips shared in this article can be useful in teaching young people with disabilities about building financial independence.  Is this something your young adult struggles with?  If so, what apps or teaching materials have you found helpful?  Please tell me more HERE so I can share suggestions with readers in a future issue of this newsletter.

Listen up.

Delighted to share a wonderful podcast, The ABC’s of Disability Planning.  Hosted by the father of a young man with special needs and financial planner for families with disabilities, this episode was an interesting opportunity for Dr. Linda Hoopes and me to chat about our new book, Embracing Another Normal. Lots of great conversation with host Eric Jorgensen and fun for all.  I learn something new everytime I discuss this topic. Hope you will, too.

Interested in learning more about one-to-one coaching? Contact Kris for information on what this might look like for you, including outcomes, availability, fees and more.

Contact Kris

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