Rain, Rain, Go Away?

May 07, 2024

Today’s rain feels like a gift of sorts. It messes up my plans for the day, but it also gives me more time to get some things done that I’ve been putting off. And it smells amazing!

Although I didn’t want rain, I’m grateful for it this morning. Shifting my perspective like this enables me to appreciate what initially disappointed me. It’s a great strategy for dealing with all sorts of stuff that happens in life, and something we can teach our kids as well as practice ourselves.

What offers you the chance to shift perspective? What disappointment can you turn into opportunity? How can you harness the power of reframing to help those you love?

water droplets on glass window
Photo by Xianyu hao on Unsplash

A man who views the world the same at fifty as he did at twenty has wasted thirty years of his life.

—Muhammad Ali

NOTE: I’m gearing up for a big birthday at the end of the month and am taking a few weeks off to celebrate. I’ll be back with the next issue of Another Normal in late October. Meanwhile, I’d love a special gift from you: Can you please share this newsletter with one friend, neighbor, colleague or relative you think might benefit from the information and resources? Thank you and thanks for being here.

Hey big spender.

The U.S. Department of Education last week committed nearly $200 million to improve career opportunities for young adults with disabilities. Monies will fund 20 projects across the U.S. under the federal government’s Pathways to Partnership program in an effort to decrease the unemployment disparity between youth with and without disabilities.

Here is a state-by-state list of newly-funded programs, designed to “pave a clear and robust path to independent living and competitive integrated employment as children and youth with disabilities transition from high school to postsecondary endeavors.” Bring it on!

person holding 100 US Dollar banknote
Photo by ι‡‘ 运 on Unsplash

Let me entertain you.


Whether you prefer to read, watch or listen — here are a few recommendations from Another Normal readers. (Eager to enjoy them myself, too.)

  • is a new book about two adult brothers, including one with Down syndrome, which chronicles their pandemic challenges and ongoing efforts to combat isolation and build connection. The BBC says, “This is a story of our times so beautifully told and illustrated by Reubs and Manni. Deeply touching and a joy to read.’  Another reviewer calls it “One of the most extraordinary books I’ve ever read. An aching, beautiful portrait of the only thing that truly matters in life: the love and care we show each other.” Available for purchase here.

  • Ezra is a new film with a star-studded cast, including Robert DeNiro, Bobby Canavale, and newcomer William Fitzgerald. The film’s creators were committed to casting an actor with autism in the title role and hiring cast and crew members who had a personal experience with neurodivergence. As one Los Angeles Times’ film critic writes, “This movie, to me, is about the power of love in and of itself to be the transcendent quality in all families.” Importantly, the film has also been praised by reviewers with autism. It premiered last week at the Toronto International Film Festival and is expected to be released later this year.

  • LOMAH is an award-winning podcast by Kim Albrecht, a mother, resource-gatherer, and information-sharer. It addresses a variety of topics that matter to parents raising young adults with disabilities. Kim asks great questions, searches out important answers, and dives deep. Available on Spotify and Apple Podcasts.

Travel tricks and tips.

  • Here’s a great article on how autism-certified travel options helped one family enjoy the places and spaces they’d yearned to visit.

  • This update spotlights efforts by the Christopher Reeve Foundation to make spending time in nature more accessible for all. As we all know, the benefits are boundless. Now there are more resources to help when it’s hard. Just in time for autumn.

  • Read more here about how outdoor enthusiasts with disabilities are tackling accessibility challenges nationally. Especially good information for anyone planning to visit a national park.

low angle photography of trees at daytime

Moms make things happen.

I loved hear about this Connecticut mother, who took it upon herself to help local police interact more effectively with people who have autism and other special sensory needs. Check out the news story below. Might this be useful where you live?

Another Normal is a free e-newsletter for parents, caregivers and others committed to helping young adults with disabilities bloom and grow.  If this copy was forwarded to you, sign-up for your own copy below. And welcome to our community. 

Interested in learning more about one-to-one coaching? Contact Kris for information on what this might look like for you, including outcomes, availability, fees and more.

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