Podcasts, Job Searching, Israel & Tourism

Apr 29, 2024

Welcome to another edition of Another Normal. Please post, share and let us know what you think. We want to hear from you!

"The future belongs to those who believe
in the beauty of their dreams."
 --Eleanor Roosevelt

Listen up.
Listening to a good podcast makes life more fun and productive. We recently discovered this one, featuring author, psychologist and special needs dad Stew Friedman offering really insightful guidance on how to be a better parent. Disarming Disability is another good one that aims to connect you to to "cool tools, people, communities, ideas and resources." Wellness While Walking with health coach Carolyn Cohen is informative and encouraging and filled with practical advice from a variety of experts on topics that matter to our health and well being. Especially important for those who balance caregiving with our own self-care. What are you listening to these days?

Enhancing employability.

Experts warn that unemployment among adults with disabilities is getting worse because of Covid-19. That’s just another reason to like this job search platform created specifically for adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities by a team of siblings in Minnesota. We hope it succeeds and expands quickly. Young adults who are out of work with extra free time during the pandemic can fine-tune their resume or develop a job search plan using this tool. Job skills can also be enhanced through online courses or state employment training programs like this one in Connecticut (it’s free, too!). To learn more about your state’s commitment to expanding inclusive employment options for people with disabilities, click here.

Israel inspires.

As we reported last week, making technology accessible to people with disabilities is big business. Experts predict that the global market for elderly and disabled assistive devices will surpass $31 billion by 2027. Israel is an increasing leader in this area, with more than 230 companies producing assistive technology products. Israel’s culture of tikkun olam (meaning “to repair the world”) encourages and rewards creative solutions to common challenges experienced by people with disabilities. Check out TOM - Tikkun Olam Makers for inspiration and affordable products. Also visit this website for personalized consultation on all your AT needs. Help is truly just a click or two away.

The world awaits.

Although US residents are still unwelcome in many places, the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) says 40% of global destinations have now eased restrictions introduced since the Covid-19 pandemic began. The UNWTO is working with the ONCE Foundation to establish new guidelines for reopening tourism in a way that includes persons with disabilities and their families. This is truly good news for those of us wanting to “fly the friendly skies” again and see more of an accessible world soon. Where do you want to go?

Interested in learning more about one-to-one coaching? Contact Kris for information on what this might look like for you, including outcomes, availability, fees and more.

Contact Kris

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