Medicaid, Military & Other Matters

Welcome to this week’s edition of my free e-newsletter dedicated to helping families with disability bloom and thrive. Thanks for being here.

Today, I’m struck by the fact that we’re already one month into 2021, and many of us still haven’t started those new year resolutions.  Instead of compiling a long list of ways to change myself. I’ve chosen three values that matter to me and challenged myself to live them as best I can with friends, family and colleagues.  This is a good exercise for all of us, including young people with disabilities.  Decide what matters most in life and resolve to honor it throughout the year. See what you become.

Aye, aye, sir.

What if your child wants to become a person who serves his/her country? Israel has an inclusive military, which has become a model for the United States Corps of Honor. The U.S. Army/Navy veteran who developed it plans to begin this initiative with the South Carolina National Guard and expand nationally.  What do you think of these efforts to allow people with disabilities to be “special in uniform”?  

Share if you care.

Many parents of young adults with disabilities live in fear of what our “kids” will do after high school.  We have a hard time dreaming or envisioning how they’ll fit in and contribute.  To help parents and others see what might be, Another Normal showcases businesses throughout the country dedicated to providing employment opportunities to young people with disabilities.  Can you use these examples to create something new where you live?  This video highlights what we’re all striving for: inclusion, growth, fulfillment and teamwork.  Share it with someone you know who can help create employment opportunities for young adults with disabilities in your community. 

According to the Bureau of Labor and Statistics, less than 20 percent of people with disabilities held a job in 2019.  Society must commit to supporting all people with disabilities who want to work, since inclusive employment benefits everyone.  I recently learned about In Return Strategies, which aims to change this by connecting private-sector companies with thousands of access providers across the country.  The Kansas City start-up then helps companies tailor their practices to become more inclusive.  Maybe they can help you. 

Life is expensive.

And people with disabilities often incur additional costs that go well beyond those associated with typical “growing up.” Therapies, equipment, accommodations and caregivers add up quickly and can become real financial burdens for many families. This is why I want to address the Medicaid Waiver Program this week. It allows states to choose groups of people with particular needs and health conditions to receive government assistance to offset costs incurred at home or within the community.  Medicaid waivers are not without issues. Many have long waiting lists and can be altered or eliminated anytime, depending upon state budgets and priorities. Still, if one works for your family, it’s worth investigating. Depending upon where you live and what your son/daughter’s diagnosis is, you may be eligible for waiver supports to preserve independence.  Learn more here about where and how to apply. And check out this new financial wellness guide for individuals with disabilities and their families.

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Contact Kris for information on what this might look like for you, including outcomes, availability, fees and more.

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