Let the Good Times Roll

May 20, 2024

Dan Habib is a talented documentarian who also happens to be the father of Sam Habib, a 24-year-old man with cerebral palsy.  I first encountered Dan’s work years ago through Including Samuel, his film about the challenges of including young people with disabilities in schools, communities and even families.  Sam has grown up a lot since then.  And Dan has captured much of the growing (and rolling) on film. Together with Sam, he has compiled this footage into a new documentary short, co-produced by the father/son team and featured last week in a digital edition of The New York Times (trailer below).  It’s a very powerful 20-minute film that will move and motivate you.  It certainly did me.

I fervently hope that enhancing people’s understanding of what it means to have disabilities and to love someone with disabilities leads to more inclusive communities and places where people like Sam and Andrew can bloom, grow and live the multi-dimensional lives they so desire and deserve. 

Please watch the op-doc here and share it with others so we can enhance, educate and expand awareness of why this matters.


Learning opportunities

  • Join our son, Andrew Burbank, me and a few other amazing young people on Tuesday, May 31, for a free webinar about “letting go,” hosted by his beloved summer camp, the Southampton Fresh Air Home (SFAH). Register here.

  • Join stress management instructor and LCSW Alicia Feller on June 2 for a free 90 minute online webinar on using wellness to build a great life for persons with disabilities.  Sponsored by the University of Connecticut’s Center for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities.  Learn more and register here.  

  • Learn how parents in Tulsa, OK, are creating a new agri-hood and intentional community for adults with I/DD. Free webinar June 8th on bringing a vision to life, navigating HCBS and more, sponsored by Together For Choice. More info here.

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Interested in learning more about one-to-one coaching? Contact Kris for information on what this might look like for you, including outcomes, availability, fees and more.

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