Honor Thyself & More

May 09, 2024

Today I took a nap. I realized how rare this is, and I decided to think about why. Like many of you, my life and routines have been dictated by my role as a parent, including the special responsibilities that come with parenting a person with disabilities. Simply put, his needs have always come first. So I rarely get to nap. End of discussion.

But is it really? Years ago, our oldest child, Henry, wisely suggested that I should not give up my life for his brother. “Your needs are important,” he said. “And you should figure out how to honor them while also trying to ensure Andrew’s needs are met.” Easier said than done; however, his advice challenged my long-held perspective. Among other things, it enabled me to allow myself to nap sometimes. It was a big win, frankly. Perhaps you know how it feels.

The latest step on my journey is to help other parents on theirs. I love writing this newsletter and coaching moms, dads and siblings of people with disabilities to use what they’ve been through to build the lives they want.

This week’s edition of Another Normal encourages you to:

  • Honor yourself and your loved ones;

  • Learn more about things that can help others bloom; and

  • Balance the needs of everyone in your life, including your own.  

Wishing you all the naps your day will allow — today and always!



We all have different desires and needs, but if we don't discover what we want from ourselves and what we stand for, we will live passively and unfulfilled. To invent your own life's meaning is not easy, but it's still allowed, and I think you'll be happier for the trouble.

– Bill Watterson, creator of Calvin & Hobbes

Honor the spot. 

Not surprisingly, a recent survey shows 85% of Americans with disabilities (and their caregivers) have struggled to find accessible parking in their communities, and nearly half have decided to turn back because they couldn’t find an accessible spot.

Love this new public service campaign from the Paralyzed Veterans of America  to encourage Americans to keep handicapped parking spaces open for people who need them.  Please share everywhere!

Lighten your load.

Grab My Bag is an innovative new program that offers baggage claim assistance to travelers and potential job opportunities for people with disabilities.  While it’s only available in a few markets right now, the program hopes to expand nationwide.  Speaking of bags, there’s good news on the shopping bag front.  Sales of adaptive clothing and shoes are expected to top $1 billion this year! Great incentive for your favorite brands and retailers to offer more inclusive products and fashions.  


Back to school.

  • Tune into  The Lucky Few podcast for tips on parenting a teenager with Down Syndrome.  Much of the discussion is applicable to a variety of disabilities. I also just listened to this podcast on disability and racism. Great food for thought on a long walk or car ride.

  • Here are some good tricks for teaching folks how to swallow pills. Reduce daily “medicine mayhem” and increase independence. Win. Win.

  • Check out a new online sexuality course from EASE (Empowerment, Advocacy and Sexuality Education). Specifically designed for adults with I/DD, classes take place on Tuesday evenings from August 17-December 7. Taught by experienced special educators. Scholarships available. Contact (703)598-2010 or [email protected] for more info.

  • Follow this blogger to gain perspective on living with a disability. I learn something from every post. Maybe you will, too.


Interested in learning more about one-to-one coaching? Contact Kris for information on what this might look like for you, including outcomes, availability, fees and more.

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