Feelings, Fashion & Flying

May 03, 2024

A new month and a new logo. Can you tell I’m getting excited for spring?! Although we still have a few weeks to go, the days are getting longer and the temperatures are sometimes getting higher. As we complain to ourselves and each other that “I’ve had enough,” let’s try to stay positive about what lies ahead — vaccinations, warm weather and hopefully a chance to soon resume “another normal” with friends and family. Even though the numbers seem to be headed in the right direction, it’s important we stay committed to containing the spread of Covid19. Young adults are struggling with loneliness and pandemic fatigue. Parents and caregivers are also weary. Spring is near, though, and we can do hard things. So can our children with disabilities.

March is the month God created to show people who don't drink what a hangover is like.

Garrison Keillor

Fly me to the moon.

The European Space Agency (ESA) announced this week that it will include people with disabilities in its recruiting efforts for new astronauts. The agency plans to identify four to six new career astronauts for long-term missions, along with 20 additional reserve astronauts for shorter missions that don’t require them to leave their day jobs. Nice to see diversity recognized as an asset to help get us up, up and away. “One small step for man…one giant leap for mankind.”


Rewards and recognition.

Beginning March 3rd, No Barriers will accept applications for caregivers to attend one of their free caregiver respite retreats. These amazing events are a wonderful opportunity for caregivers to share common experiences, receive practical help and support, and recharge. Each lasts 4 days and 3 nights and is scheduled for June - October 2021.  What a wonderful way to recognize and reward outstanding caregivers – including yourself!  Use these links to apply or nominate someone.

Fashion forward.

With spring showers fast approaching, I decided it was time to order a new rain poncho for our adult son, who uses a wheelchair. This got me thinking about accessible clothing for people with special needs, which is slowly becoming more available through mainstream retailers. Check out this list of places to shop for all your accessible clothing needs. Read here about the statement Nike is making with its new “adaptive sneaker.” Universal design clearly benefits more than just people with disabilities. Thankfully, it seems to be well on its way to becoming one of the latest fashion trends.

Do you have any good recommendations to share?

Monster love.

Practicing mindfulness is increasingly important for all of us these days, regardless of ability. Take two minutes alone or with a loved one and calm your inner monster, which has likely become scarier over the past 12 pandemic-filled months. If Elmo can do it, so can the rest of us. (Breathe!)

What else are you doing to manage stress these days?

Interested in learning more about one-to-one coaching? Contact Kris for information on what this might look like for you, including outcomes, availability, fees and more.

Contact Kris

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