Family Care Focus

November is National Family Caregivers Month, a time to recognize and honor family caregivers across the country. The job can be extremely rewarding, but also stressful, expensive, and exhausting. Most of us graciously accept our role and responsibilities and recognize the importance of the work we do. And as author and researcher Jennifer Garvey-Burger explains (and as I have certainly learned over the years), “We can shape the conditions of our lives in ways that make us better at handling complexity and, at the same time, make us happier and more fulfilled.” It may not be easy — but it’s definitely possible. Here are a few more tips, which you may find useful.
Whether you’re a family caregiver yourself or trying to support the caregivers you know, I hope you’ll benefit from reading this issue.
Always remember that you’re never alone, no one expects you to have all the answers, and your needs matter, too.
Thanks for all you do.

Keep or toss.
Managing paperwork can be one of the most frustrating aspects of caring for a family member with a disability. In a previous issue of this newsletter, I spotlighted Vestlife, which provides an online “filing cabinet” for medical, legal, and educational documents — plus so much more. Also check out My Data Diary, which I just learned about. Have you converted your 3-ring binders to digitized document management? If so, please share tips and tricks below.

One small step for man.
Ten years ago, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services established the Administration for Community Living (ACL). The ACL's work is based on the fundamental idea that people with disabilities, regardless of age, want to access supports and services and fully participate in all aspects of society and daily life in their chosen communities The ACL recently released its 2022 National Strategy to Support Family Caregivers, a long but valuable read. It outlines literally hundreds of ways public and private entities can support family caregivers, who provide the overwhelming majority of long-term care in the United States. Please take a look and pick something you can do where you can live to support positive change.
The challenges and rewards of family caregiving are much more than any research study has ever captured. Families struggle, they look for help and support, they laugh, they cry. They do all of this for the family member that has the greatest need. Yet, the demands of work and the needs of other family members continue. Balancing all of the demands can be overwhelming.
-Alan Stevens, family caregiver & RAISE Family Caregiving Advisory Council Co-chair
Unseen: How We’re Failing Parent Caregivers and Why it Matters
This powerful new documentary shines a spotlight on the raw and honest experiences of parents as caregivers, in an effort to increase support and resources for us all. It’s emotional, gut-wrenching, and unfortunately all-too-true. The movie can be viewed online November 18-30. Tickets are available here.
You deserve a break today.
The associate producer of “UnSeen,” Jess Ronne, is founder and CEO of The Lucas Project, a nonprofit that funds resources and respite for caregivers. A Mother’s Rest offers supports and services to parents who deserve a break. Both are well worth checking out, especially if you’re feeling tired or overwhelmed.
I love this.
“You become someone who handles hard stuff better.” I want this for you, me, and all the people we care for and about. Watch and be inspired.
Interested in learning more about private coaching?
Contact Kris for information on what this might look like for you, including outcomes, availability, fees and more.
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