Bite Your Tongue

May 08, 2024

"There will never be a perfect time to do something that stretches you.  If you were ready for it, it wouldn't be growth."

– James Clear


In the spirit of stretching, I conducted a podcast interview recently about raising adult children with disabilities.  I was joined by Dr. Ellen Braaten, author, associate professor at Harvard Medical School, and the sister of an adult brother with Down syndrome.  We talked about parents, siblings, happiness, fufillment, expectations, planning and so much more.  As the show’s host, Denise Gorant, says in her promotional material for the podcast, “This episode is not just for parents of adults with disabilities.  It helps all of us learn to be supportive and understand this journey of others.” 

Being the parent of a young person with disabilities can often feel very isolating.  I created Another Normal to connect people who share this complex and challenging experience and help make it more joy-filled, manageable and fun. This podcast conversation digs deep into how we can support each other, along with supporting and encouraging our children. The show notes contain additional information and resources on topics discussed. 

“Bite Your Tongue” is a terrific new podcast series about building healthy relationships with adult children.  I hope you enjoy this special episode, and I welcome your comments and feedback below.

Be afraid of nothing - you have within you all wisdom, all power, all strength, all understanding. 

Eileen Caddy

I love talking with people about the adventures of parenting.  And I am passionate about coaching parents of individuals with special needs. Together, we work to access all that’s within you and better navigate the unique terrain you climb everyday.  Please reach out here to learn about how we might work together.  

Another Normal is a free newsletter dedicated to helping families with disabilities bloom and thrive. Thanks for being here.

Interested in learning more about one-to-one coaching? Contact Kris for information on what this might look like for you, including outcomes, availability, fees and more.

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